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We will bring you on an unforgettable trip to the wine capital of the world

Bordeaux wine has a long history and immense value.

What was the true reason for Bordeaux to become the renowned wine capital of the world?

Originally, the geographic location, perfectly nested in the heart of a great trading port.

During the twelfth century, Italian business men imported the grapevine and winemaking technology into Bordeaux. Blessed by a marriage arrangement, French wine quickly fascinated and captured the English courts.

By the seventeenth century, highly skilled Dutch engineers immigrated to Bordeaux and successfully transformed the left bank to massive vineyard grounds. This construction destined the glorious future of Bordeaux.

What introduced Bordeaux wine onto the global stage was during the 1855 Exposition Universelle de Paris, when Emperor Napoleon III requested a classification system to fairly rank wineries for international visitors, which resulted The Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855.

Every Château, every family, with their distinct aroma intertwined with rich legacy, willingly sealed their stories into each bottle for your pleasure.

Follow our ambassador into the enchanting garden, get lost between the space and time; then uncover the secret of this land.

We will bring you on an unforgettable trip to the wine capital of the world…

Emerge into the History and Culture

Bordeaux wines have many styles; and Bordeaux’s romance are sealed within each bottle they produce.

To understand each individual winery’s positioning, we will accompany you to discover this mysterious place that sparks curiosity. Some may wonder; why was Mouton not among the top five wineries in the Bordeaux Wine Official Classification of 1855? What is his relationship with Château Lafite? What does the moon and royal emblem on the Château Smith Haut Lafitte represent?

And what is the story behind all the fireplaces inside Château Prieuré-Lichine?

However, only when you actually visit, you can truly understand the secrets and treasures of this land. And only after you leave, you can savor the sweet and bitterness of the enchanting rose gardens.

Seasonality Inspires Complexity

When the Loire river flows through France and heads for the Atlantic Ocean, the vineyards on both sides of the estuary are constantly sang by the sea wind, where sometimes you can even taste the saltiness in the breeze.

Protected by the Vosges Mountains blocking the ocean moisture, Alsace's dry climate, combined with plenty of sunlight, resulted in the perfect home of grape vines.

Along the Mediterranean coast, across the lavender fields of Provence, this is paradise for charming wineries.

Follow the “sky”, and nature will decide.
Location Marks the Taste

Besides the beautiful landscape you see, the ground you stand on dictates the flavor between the Left and Right bank.

The gravel soil washed away from the upper reaches of Bordeaux compliments perfectly with the ancient clay layer, creating a classic Bordeaux Blend.

When the Paris Basin meets the Central Plateau, the complex topography and diverse rock formations spurred on the transformation of wine styles. Going further inland, you can see that the Central Plateau and the Alps veins collide with a more intense spark. Yet, they surprisingly introduced the gentle and elegant era.

The history of "land" are revealed through the opening of each bottle of wine.
Insert the Soul of the Bottle
In Champagne, where an intricate and strict process is widely followed. After careful calculation, with laws and regulations, this process allows the yeast and supplements to complete the second fermentation in the bottle. The winemaker then skillfully blends it to produce a bottle of fine bubbles.

In Bordeaux's blending technology allowed the two different styles of grapes to show their characters, and a demonstration of a perfect fusion on the palette. Top skills in vilification and blending craftsmanship are required by each house to create the uniqueness of it’s brand.

The spirit of "human" has transformed the grape into an living art under the creation of sky and land, giving soul to each bottle.
+886-(2)-2872-3560 / / 10F., No. 236, Minquan W. Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, Taiwan